Thursday, November 17, 2011

Learning to Crochet

Last summer I took a notion to learn to crochet.  Now it wasn't completely foreign to me, I'm sure I crocheted something back in high school or earlier, plus one of my grandmothers had been a prolific crocheter, but I really didn't remember much about it.  My daughter suggested Klutz because she had learned to knit from the Klutz knitting book.  If you are unfamiliar with Klutz, they are a company that specializes in how-to books.  Our family has several of them, and they have all been excellent.  After reading glowing reviews on Amazon, I ordered the  Klutz Crochet book.

It did not disappoint.  The instructions were clear, plus the book came with everything to get started:  a crochet hook, two types of yarn, yarn needle, stitch markers, button, and a cute handy case.  Once you have the book, you're good to go.  I spent a couple of months learning the stitches, doing some things over and over until I understood them, and making everything in the book.

Projects include a jewelry roll, a clutch pouch, flowers (I had to make several before I got the five petals it was supposed to have -- I kept getting six or seven), a hat (which turned out well but too small for my giant head), a granny scarf

and a mesh bag for soap, which now hangs in my shower and gets regular use.

Everything was made with the included yarn except for the hat and scarf.  Those are kind of the finale projects and you need to buy your own yarn for them (which by this point you actually look forward to doing).

After finishing the book, I felt confident to delve into whatever crochet adventures I found beckoning.  Other than yarn, the only purchases I've made are a variety of bee-u-ti-ful crochet hooks -- I love their glowing colors -- and a pretty blue pair of small scissors.

If you are pining after all the crocheted goodies on pinterest but have no crochet abilities, I highly recommend you get Klutz Crochet.  It got me started and now I can't quit thinking of things to make.


  1. My husband learned to play the harmonica with the Klutz method--good stuff, that. I know you're asking yourself what's to learn about the harmonica, isn't the harmonica kind of self-explanatory? That's what I thought too! ;)

    Your crocheted lovelies are beautiful. Well done.

  2. I really like the lovely case that you keep your crochet hooks in. Did you crochet that?

    1. Yes, it is actually one of the included projects in the Klutz Crochet book.


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