Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bunny (and Monkey) Love

The third installment of my daughter's summer projects is this adorable white bunny who, along with the previous post's rag quilt, is a gift for a soon-to-be-born baby girl.

Here's a close-up of Bunny's face.  I really like the droopy ears.

And a back view of the cottontail.   Yarn used is a DK cotton/linen blend from KnitPicks.

Directions for knitting this bunny are in the book Itty-Bitty Toys by Susan B. Anderson, a book which is chock full of cute little animals to knit.  Plus it has great directions -- this book gets the credit for teaching my daughter how to knit in the round.  My daughter has already made most of the animals in the book, however (which you can see here and some more here).  She is now on the lookout for some other cute patterns to add to her repertoire.

In the meantime, Bunny was a hit with the small fry at the baby shower, getting broken in with a lot of toddler love -- thankfully, said toddler was able to gracefully give Bunny up at the end of the shower:)

Taking a break before the baby gets here

And while we're on the subject of knitted toys, I just discovered a cutie that I had neglected to blog about:
This little fellow (also from the Itty-Bitty Toys book) was knitted back in the spring by my daughter.  He has now gone to a little boy who is a grandson of a friend of mine (her first grandson also got one of my daughter's monkeys).  It's hard to tell from the photos, but Bunny is a substantial size, while Monkey is fairly small (think good-sized baby doll to small baby doll).
I love his topknot
The yarn used for Mr. Monkey was sock yarn from KnitPicks.  He's cute as can be, but this is the third monkey my daughter has made in the past year, and she says it will be a LOOOONG time before she will be able to make another one;)
Well-satisfied with life at the moment


  1. Oh, they're both GREAT! What a talented girl you have! I love their facial expressions :)

  2. These are just too cute. You can almost see their little personalities...their faces are so expressive.

  3. Wow, such patience to create three of these little darlings! Knitted toys are wonderful but so fiddly--hers are just adorable.

  4. Love the photo of Bunny with his sunhat and we laughed out loud at Mr Monkey with his arms crossed - so much personality! x

  5. Awww, so cute!!! You've done a beautiful job :)


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